Friday, November 29, 2019

The Role of E

Following the introduction of the healthy snacks in the market from the company, I hereby request you to consider employing E-marketing. As a marketing representative in the firm, my department has relentlessly worked and employed various marketing modes, in an attempt to find the best approach in the marketing of these products. As a result, my team has proposed e-marketing for marketing various products, including the introduced snacks.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of E-marketing in the Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More E-marketing versus Traditional Marketing Marketing is extremely pertinent in every business, since it creates the awareness of products and services that a firm offers. E-marketing is an effective marketing plan, since it serves as an exceedingly cheaper option, compared to other traditional media such as radio and television. For instance, a business blog is considerably che ap (Groves, 2009). Additionally, various types of social networking give the firm’s products to have more acceptation, as opposed to other forms of direct mails. In fact, some forms of online marketing are free. In addition, E-marketing is cost-effective, since the labor employed reduces drastically. As a result, expenses reduce, and hence this boosts annual revenue. Since e-marketing is an international approach, it will ultimately reach many prospective consumers, as opposed to various forms of traditional media that are mostly regional. As a result, the firm is able to receive large sales of the new healthy snacks through E-marketing, and hence increase the firm’s revenues (Groves, 2009). Besides, E-marketing is fast easily reachable by numerous potential customers in comparison to the traditional marketing process. Moreover, E-marketing is constant as long as there is internet availability (Boone Kurtz, 2011). E-marketing also lacks geographical limits, making it a key marketing means in comparison to traditional marketing that has regional limitations. Additionally, various economists deem online buyers as having a better purchasing power that their traditional buying counterparts. As such, Kudler Company is bound to have an increase in the number of customers, and hence translate to increased sales (Boone Kurtz, 2011). Besides, a huge number of prospective consumers mean that there is available market for the firm’s products. As a result, this enhances the ultimate growth of the firm (Boone Kurtz, 2011). E-marketing and Increased marketing ROI E-marketing has a significant impact on the firm’s Return of investment (ROI). Kudler Company is bound to receive an increase in profits in various ways. Firstly, e-marketing will boost the figure of loyal customers. This will lead to the ultimate increases in the marketing ROI of the firm (Finora, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can he lp you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, elimination of geographic boundaries will make trade with these remote customers simple, and thereby assist the company in manufacturing more of the supposed product. This will in turn result in increased profits. It is also easy to calculate a firm’s ROI while employing e-marketing, since application programs are available for that purpose (Finora, 2009). Product Information Before setting a product for advertisement through internet means, it is imperative to decide the message to convey about the snacks. This will make the product more appealing to the public and hence draw prospective consumers. The message to convey will be the product’s name and its ingredients. Additionally, the information will incorporate the product’s price. The message will also comprise of the merits of the snacks over other competing products. Besides, the message ought to be clear and legible. References Bo one, M., Kurtz, D. (2011). Contemporary marketing. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning. Finora, J. (2009). Recession marketing. Bloomington, IN: Universe Publishers. Groves, E. (2009). The constant contact guide to email marketing. Hoboken, NJ: John-Wiley and Sons Publishers. This essay on The Role of E-marketing in the Business was written and submitted by user Brayan Kirk to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. The Role of E Teacher professional development is an integral part of teaching practice, and teacher reflection is one of the methods to develop teachers’ skills, knowledge, and techniques. Teacher reflection shows the way of how teachers may interrogate their practices, pose questions concerning the effectiveness of their work, and meet students’ needs and expectations (Lyons, 1998: 115).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Role of E-Portfolio to Promote Teacher Reflection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Valli (1992: 140) introduces reflection as a deliberative process within the frames of which the ethical implications of teachers’ work are considered alongside with the students’ observations, and the alternative practices are offered. The purpose of teacher reflection is not only to change the style of teacher’s work but also to promote the evolution in work and understanding o f what can be done to help students benefit with the chosen teaching practices. Though teacher reflection is directed to improve the work of teachers, this practice remains to be student-centered as well because the opinions and attitudes of students are considered. There are many ways on how to promote teacher reflective practice, and e-portfolio is one of the tools that help to engage students in evaluating tutors’ readiness to cooperate (Lyons, 1998: 115). The study developed by Jenson (2011: 49) explains electronic portfolio from four main principles according to which students should take responsibility for managing information they give about their teachers, select important pieces of information and share them properly, promote the creation of lifelong records about their learning processes, and develop the opportunities to reflect on their tutors’ work consistently. The success of this study is explained by the possibility to use self-regulation as a powerful c hance to reflect on teachers’ work using personal experience and opinions. The work by Alwraikat (2012: 154) aims at describing e-portfolio as a new study formula that can be used in all developed countries on the basis of graduate students’ attitudes. The author underlines that the level of academic degree is more important than such factors as gender or specialization. Effective portfolios can also serve as the measurements of reflective practice and a kind of pedagogical space where learning and teaching practices can be properly explained (Parkers, Dredger, Hicks, 2013: 99).Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Portfolios offered to students for whom English is a foreign language are characterized by a number of benefits. For example, the process of e-portfolio creation helps to enhance the professional develop and self-confidence among teachers and promote au tonomous learning among students (Cimermanova, 2015: 58). Portfolios help to identify the main qualities of teachers and compare them with those expected by students and developed in reality. Finally, the study developed by Landis, Scott, and Kahn (2015: 119) generate the overall effects of e-portfolio on teacher reflection and identify the purposes and the best practices that can be used by teachers for personal growth and professional rewards. Each study is an opportunity to evaluate the worth of e-portfolios in teacher practice from a variety of perspectives: gender, academic degrees, specializations, personal interests, and educative methods. All researchers admit the importance of e-portfolios in teaching practice and define it as one of the best tools to understand the level of the effectiveness of teachers’ work that is identified by students regarding their achievements, intentions, and expectations. Teacher reflection through e-portfolios is a good chance to promote self-confidence and motivate students and teachers to work hard in order to achieve the best results in learning, teaching, and developing communicative skills. References Alwraikat, M. (2012). Graduate students’ attitudes towards the use of electronic-portfolios in the college of educational sciences at the University of Jordan. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(12), 154-163. Cimermanova, I. (2015). Digital portfolio in building teaching efficacy of pre-service teachers. Journal of Language and Cultural Education, 3(1), 57-68.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Role of E-Portfolio to Promote Teacher Reflection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Jenson, J.D. (2011). Promoting self-regulation and critical reflection through writing students’ use of electronic portfolio. International Journal of ePortfolio, 1(1), 49-60. Landis, C.M., Scott, S.B., Kahn, S. (2015). Exa mining the role of reflection in ePortfolios: A case study. International Journal of ePortfolio, 5(2), 107-121. Lyons, N. (1998). Reflection in teaching: Can it be developmental? A portfolio perspective. Teacher Education Quarterly, 25(1), 115-127. Parkes, K.A., Dredger, K.S., Hicks, D. (2013). ePortfolio as a measure of reflective practice. International Journal of ePortfolio, 3(2), 99-115. Valli, L. (1992). Reflective teacher education: Cases and critiques. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. This critical writing on The Role of E-Portfolio to Promote Teacher Reflection was written and submitted by user Lilly Cunningham to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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